Leopard Controls was awarded the BMS upgrade for the WA Police Midland Operations Support Facility, which serves traffic, forensics, and communications divisions across three buildings. The project involved replacing the existing Metasys Johnson Controls BMCS with a fully open protocol system, upgrading chilled water pipework, and retrofitting the air conditioning control system. The upgraded BMCS integrated all system controllers and end devices, ensuring seamless control and monitoring of site mechanical services and lighting. The facility remained operational throughout the upgrade, with works scheduled to minimize disruptions, and the new system provided advanced web-based technology and future-proofing capabilities.
The project consists of an integrated BMS and DDC control system which includes:
TCP/IP BMS network
BACnet Open Systems Integration
Circa 1500 BMS Points + 230 VAV’s
Open Systems BMS Front End
Extensive monitoring and integration of electrical services